Thursday, September 15, 2011

I Bet Its Like Christmas

Let me begin by saying that I love my job and truly have the best customers. Now, with that being said lets begin this blog...

As a business owner I have learned that a few things will for certain happen in your life as a business owner: (1) your business will become your "baby" and you will nurture it with all that you have with hopes that it evolves into a thriving business one day (2) a customer will not care about your "baby" your feelings or your nurturing skills and will chew you out about something or another that more than likely isn't your fault (3) after said customer is done venting you will ask yourself why you opened the damn store in the first place. But when it is all said and done, there's no better feeling than owning your own business... especially when that business is in fashion!

As a clothing store owner there are comments you hear all of the time. Of course there's the "does my butt look big in this?" (and for those of you that know me KNOW that I will be honest! For those of you that are online customers--I'm honest, whether it costs me a sell or not... I'll politely tell you its just not the right fit for you). But lately there are three comments that keep being said that I would like to address...

"You have a dream job! I bet its like playing dress up"
"I bet its like Christmas when you get new merchandise"
"I bet your closet is packed with great clothes"

And here are my answers: Yes, YES and ehh.. kind of

I'll begin with the dream job... YES I do have a dream job. I get to work with clothes! All day! Every day! I get to mix and match and ooh and ahh over pretty pretty clothes all day. I get to play with jewelry and shoes, SHOES (Who can have enough shoes? Rhetorical question because we all know the answer is NO ONE!) But it is still my job. It is all day and every day... I think about it constantly. I can spot a top purchased from Bella's three states away (ok, that's a bit of a stretch, but at least a good thirty yards).  Ninety percent of the time when I am having a conversation with someone I am thinking "I bet she'd really like that new Karlie top I just got in..." But these aren't the reasons why I love my job. The reasons why this is the best job ever is because I get to help ladies look and feel their best!! I get to witness the pleasure they get from finding that fabulous top for the hot date they have that night or the excitement when a customer realizes she's dropped down a size! Its having a customer whisper "I've gotten SOOOO many compliments on this top, thank you!" And last but not least, it's a customer walking in having a crummy day, but walking out with a smile on their face and a black & white stripe bag in their hand. This is why I have a dream job.

Now for "I bet its like Christmas when you get new merchandise"... again, YES! It is like Christmas when we get new merchandise. You would think Howard (our UPS guy--he's the best) is Saint Nick himself when he pulls up in his brown sleigh! Its like Christmas because when I first get the merchandise I am extremely excited (think beginning of December when you're all amped up for the Holidays, playing Holiday tunes on repeat) and then I become a little nervous because I start second guessing my purchases and wondering if people will like what is in the boxes (mid-December when you've decide to throw in an extra Yankee Candle to the present just in case the original isn't good enough and you're slightly annoyed at The Jingle Bell Rock). And then I get the joy of opening the boxes and oohing an ahhhing over the fabulousness that is in the box (Christmas Morning--Jingle Bell Rock?? I LOVE THAT SONG! Keep it on repeat!) It's kind of like that scene in A Christmas Story when the dad gets his leg lamp. I know you all know what I am talking about--where he's overly excited, yet isn't sure what's in the box (if you'd like to witness his "indescribably beautiful" scene here it is--Fra-Gee-Lay... I think that's Italian! ) But as I unwrap the fabulousness and pretty, pretty pieces of clothing in the boxes I'm thinking of certain customers and making a mental note to point it out to them the next time their in. The saying "Its not the gift that counts, but the thought..." yeah.....that doesn't apply here! It IS the gift that counts and I've just bought Christmas presents for an entire community! But its the gift that keeps on giving because it sure is a good feeling knowing you're Christmas list was a success when a customer walks out with a black & white stripe bag in their hand.

Now that I have you all singing Jingle Bell Rock in your head and thinking of how you should really start on your Christmas list early this year, I'll address the "I bet your wardrobe is full of great clothes." My answer is yes and no. Of course I've swiped a few pieces from the racks, I own a clothing store for goodness sake!! But I've never taken stuff straight out of the box and into my closet (ok, ok, ok.. I did it once but I promise it was in desperate need and was well worth it!) But I try to keep my steals to a minimum... I feel guilty when I take things that haven't been on the rack long. And if you look closely you'll see that I've taken the shirt with a tiny hole in it or the pants with the broken belt loop. Instead of seeing it in my closet, I'd rather see Bella's merchandise on my beautiful customers out in the community, or.. of course, in the little black & white stripe bags.

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